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Line positions and intensities for the gamma 1 + gamma 2 and gamma 2 + gamma 3 bands of (16)O3Using 0.005 cm-resolution Fourier transform spectra of (16)O3, generated by electric discharge from a greater than 99.98 percent pure sample of (16)O3, an extensive analysis of the gamma 1 + gamma 2 and the gamma 2 + gamma 3 bands in the 5.7 micron region was performed. The rotational energy levels of the upper (110) and (011) vibrational states of (16)O3 were reproduced within their experimental uncertainties using a Hamiltonian which takes explicitly into account the Coriolis-type interaction occurring between the rotational energy levels of both states. Improved vibrational energies and rotational and coupling constants were also derived for the (110) and (011) states. Precise transition moment constants for these two bands were deduced from analysis of 220 measured line intensities. Finally, a complete list of line positions, intensities, and lower state energies for both bands has been generated.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Devi, V. Malathy
(College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA., United States)
Flaud, J.-M.
(Paris VI Univ. (France), United States)
Canypeyret, C.
(Paris VI Univ. France)
Rinsland, C. P.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA., United States)
Smith, M. A. H.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 5, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1988
Subject Category
Solid-State Physics
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.15:101161
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 147-23-11-70
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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