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A Study of Business Incubators: Models, Best Practices, and Recommendations for NASA and FloridaThis study was conducted to provide NASA-Kennedy Space Center with information and recommendations to support establishing one or more technology-based business incubators In Florida. The study involved assembling information about incubators: why they succeed, why they fail, how they are organized, and what services they provide. Consequently, this study focuses on widely-recognized "best practices," needed to establish successful technology- based business incubators. The findings are used to optimize the design and implementation of one or more technology-based business incubators to be established in Florida. Recommendations reflect both the essential characteristics of successful incubators and the optimal business demographics in Florida. Appendix A provides a fuller description of the objectives of the study. Technology-based business incubators are an increasing catalyst of new business development across the USi Incubators focus on providing entrepreneurs and small start-up firms with a wide array of support services necessary to bring forth new products and processes based on technologies developed in the nation's federal and private laboratories and universities. Appendix B provides extensive discussion of findings relative to technology- based business incubators.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 15, 1997
Subject Category
Urban Technology And Transportation
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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