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Laser-Induced Fabrication of Metallic Interlayers and Patterns in Polyimide FilmsSelf-metallizing polyimide films are created by doping polyamic acid solutions with metallic ions and solubilizing agents. Upon creating a film, the film is exposed to coherent light for a specific time and then cured. The resulting film has been found to have a metallic surface layer and a metallic subsurface layer (interlayer). The layer separating the metallic layer has a uniform dispersion of small metal particulates within the polymer. The layer below the interlayer has larger metal particulates uniformly distributed within the polymer. By varying the intensity or time of exposure to the coherent light, three-dimensional control of metal formation within the film is provided.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Miner, Gilda A.
Stoakley, Diane M.
Gaddy, Gregory A.
Koplitz, Brent D.
Simpson, Steven M.
Lynch, Michael F.
Ruffner, Samuel C.
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
July 20, 2010
Subject Category
Composite Materials
Report/Patent Number
Patent Number: NASA-Case-LAR-16616-1
Patent Number: US-Patent-7,758,927 B2
Patent Application Number: US-Patent-Appl-SN-10/956,704
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
NASA-Case-LAR-16616-1|US-Patent-7,758,927 B2
Patent Application
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