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Personnel Data Analysis and Retrieval of Phase 1 Move To LC-39 AreaAs a technology major from Jackson State University (JSU) I was called in as a summer intern at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) to work in the NASA Engineering, Control and Data Systems (NE-C) Division supporting the Spaceport Command and Control System (SCCS) at the Space Station Processing Facility (SSPF). I was given a two-part project; the first consisted of lending support relocating SCCS Computer Equipment and Project Personnel to the Launch Control Center (LCC). This task involved me using a Microsoft Office data processing tool to assist with the analysis and information management of logistics worth millions of dollars. With the assistance of two other interns, I was responsible for collecting data on equipment used, on a daily basis, by over 200 KSC employees. The many network servers, enterprise switches, desktop computers, and fiber optics had to be handled in an equally prompt and precise manner in order to ensure a minimal amount of equipment down time; which is critical in ensuring a properly secured networking environment. The second part of my project was to assist KSC in developing a more cost effective way of maintaining and taking full advantage of the functionality of some new kiosk units. Since KSC currently has no expert on the servicing and maintenance of the units, I, as a computer technology major, was given the opportunity to assess the hardware and software of the machines. The goal was to learn to establish a secure and remote environment for the kiosks; a goal highly valuing convenience by preserving valuable man-hours saved by not having to travel to each individual kiosk location. In addition, I was to leave a clear and precise plan for future users and administrators of the devices to follow.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Davis, Derrick D.
(Jackson State Univ. Jackson, MS, United States)
Date Acquired
April 3, 2014
Publication Date
July 29, 2013
Subject Category
Computer Operations And Hardware
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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