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UAS Air Traffic Controller Acceptability StudyThis study evaluated the effects of communications delays and winds on air traffic controller ratings of acceptability of horizontal miss distances (HMDs) for encounters between Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and manned aircraft in a simulation of the Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) airspace. Fourteen encounters per hour were staged in the presence of moderate background traffic. Seven recently retired controllers with experience at DFW served as subjects. Guidance provided to the UAS pilots for maintaining a given HMD was provided by information from Detect and Avoid (DAA) self-separation algorithms (Stratway+) displayed on the Multi-Aircraft Control System. This guidance consisted of amber "bands" on the heading scale of the UAS navigation display indicating headings that would result in a loss of well clear between the UAS and nearby traffic. Winds tested were successfully handled by the DAA algorithms and did not affect the controller acceptability ratings of the HMDs. Voice communications delays for the UAS were also tested and included one-way delay times of 0, 400, 1200, and 1800 msec. For longer communications delays, there were changes in strategy and communications flow that were observed and reported by the controllers. The aim of this work is to provide useful information for guiding future rules and regulations applicable to flying UAS in the NAS. Information from this study will also be of value to the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) Special Committee 228 - Minimum Performance Standards for UAS.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Comstock, James R., Jr.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Ghatas, Rania W.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Consiglio, Maria C.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Chamberlain, James P.
(National Inst. of Aerospace Hampton, VA, United States)
Hoffler, Keith D.
(Adaptive Aerospace Group, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
January 13, 2016
Publication Date
November 1, 2015
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 357672.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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