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Cascade Solar Cell Workshop reportIssues related to the feasibility, research and development, and demonstration of a 30% AMO cascade solar cell discussed include the material selection, growth and fabrication techniques, and device development strategy for a monolithic (two terminal) cascade cell, a hybrid (four terminal) cascade cell, and a spectral splitting device (three cells). Workshop recommendations include: (1) initiate a long range research program to develop a three junction, monolithic, cascade cell using either AlGaAsSb-GaAsSb or AlGaInAs-GaInAs material system; (2) emphasize OM-CVD epitaxial growth technique, perhaps combined with other technologies in the near term to obtain tunnel junctions; (3) develop a two junction device first; (4) initiate a cascade solar cell modeling program to study and compare performance of two and four terminal cascade devices exposed to electron and proton irradiation; and (5) encourage and be open to new ideas for developing four terminal, hybrid, cascade cells exploiting novel component cell interconnect technologies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Hutchby, J. A.
(Research Triangle Inst. Research Triangle Park, NC, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1980
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Lewis Research Center Space Photovoltaic Res. and Technol.
Subject Category
Energy Production And Conversion
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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