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Which Q-analogue of the squeezed oscillator?The noise (variance squared) of a component of the electromagnetic field - considered as a quantum oscillator - in the vacuum is equal to one half, in appropriate units (taking Planck's constant and the mass and frequency of the oscillator all equal to 1). A practical definition of a squeezed state is one for which the noise is less than the vacuum value - and the amount of squeezing is determined by the appropriate ratio. Thus the usual coherent (Glauber) states are not squeezed, as they produce the same variance as the vacuum. However, it is not difficult to define states analogous to coherent states which do have this noise-reducing effect. In fact, they are coherent states in the more general group sense but with respect to groups other than the Heisenberg-Weyl Group which defines the Glauber states. The original, conventional squeezed state in quantum optics is that associated with the group SU(1,1). Just as the annihilation operator a of a single photon mode (and its hermitian conjugate a, the creation operator) generates the Heisenberg Weyl algebra, so the pair-photon operator a(sup 2) and its conjugate generates the algebra of the group SU(1,1). Another viewpoint, more productive from the calculational stance, is to note that the automorphism group of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra is SU(1,1). Needless to say, each of these viewpoints generalizes differently to the quantum group context. Both are discussed. The following topics are addressed: conventional coherent and squeezed states; eigenstate definitions; exponential definitions; algebra (group) definitions; automorphism group definition; example: signal-to-noise ratio; q-coherent and q-squeezed states; M and P q-bosons; eigenstate definitions; exponential definitions; algebra (q-group) definitions; and automorphism q-group definition.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Solomon, Allan I.
(Open Univ. Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center, Workshop on Harmonic Oscillators
Subject Category
Thermodynamics And Statistical Physics
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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