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CLIPS: A tool for corn disease diagnostic system and an aid to neural network for automated knowledge acquisitionThis paper describes the building of a corn disease diagnostic expert system using CLIPS, and the development of a neural expert system using the fact representation method of CLIPS for automated knowledge acquisition. The CLIPS corn expert system diagnoses 21 diseases from 52 symptoms and signs with certainty factors. CLIPS has several unique features. It allows the facts in rules to be broken down to object-attribute-value (OAV) triples, allows rule-grouping, and fires rules based on pattern-matching. These features combined with the chained inference engine result to a natural user query system and speedy execution. In order to develop a method for automated knowledge acquisition, an Artificial Neural Expert System (ANES) is developed by a direct mapping from the CLIPS system. The ANES corn expert system uses the same OAV triples in the CLIPS system for its facts. The LHS and RHS facts of the CLIPS rules are mapped into the input and output layers of the ANES, respectively; and the inference engine of the rules is imbedded in the hidden layer. The fact representation by OAC triples gives a natural grouping of the rules. These features allow the ANES system to automate rule-generation, and make it efficient to execute and easy to expand for a large and complex domain.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Wu, Cathy
(Texas Univ. Tyler, TX, United States)
Taylor, Pam
(Texas Univ. Tyler, TX, United States)
Whitson, George
(Texas Univ. Tyler, TX, United States)
Smith, Cathy
(Texas Univ. Tyler, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
August 15, 1990
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Johnson Space Center, First CLIPS Conference Proceedings, Volume 2
Subject Category
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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