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Expert System Architecture for Rocket Engine Numerical Simulators: A VisionSimulation of any complex physical system like rocket engines involves modeling the behavior of their different components using mostly numerical equations. Typically a simulation package would contain a set of subroutines for these modeling purposes and some other ones for supporting jobs. A user would create an input file configuring a system (part or whole of a rocket engine to be simulated) in appropriate format understandable by the package and run it to create an executable module corresponding to the simulated system. This module would then be run on a given set of input parameters in another file. Simulation jobs are mostly done for performance measurements of a designed system, but could be utilized for failure analysis or a design job such as inverse problems. In order to use any such package the user needs to understand and learn a lot about the software architecture of the package, apart from being knowledgeable in the target domain. We are currently involved in a project in designing an intelligent executive module for the rocket engine simulation packages, which would free any user from this burden of acquiring knowledge on a particular software system. The extended abstract presented here will describe the vision, methodology and the problems encountered in the project. We are employing object-oriented technology in designing the executive module. The problem is connected to the areas like the reverse engineering of any simulation software, and the intelligent systems for simulation.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Mitra, D.
(Jackson State Univ. Jackson, MS United States)
Babu, U.
(Jackson State Univ. Jackson, MS United States)
Earla, A. K.
(Jackson State Univ. Jackson, MS United States)
Hemminger, Joseph A.
(NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH United States)
Date Acquired
August 18, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1998
Publication Information
Publication: HBCUs Research Conference Agenda and Abstracts
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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