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Curation of US Martian Meteorites Collected in AntarcticaTo date the ANSMET field team has collected five martian meteorites (see below) in Antarctica and returned them for curation at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Meteorite Processing Laboratory (MPL). ne meteorites were collected with the clean procedures used by ANSMET in collecting all meteorites: They were handled with JSC-cleaned tools, packaged in clean bags, and shipped frozen to JSC. The five martian meteorites vary significantly in size (12-7942 g) and rock type (basalts, lherzolites, and orthopyroxenite). Detailed descriptions are provided in the Mars Meteorite compendium, which describes classification, curation and research results. A table gives the names, classifications and original and curatorial masses of the martian meteorites. The MPL and measures for contamination control are described.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Lindstrom, M.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX United States)
Satterwhite, C.
(Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX United States)
Allton, J.
(Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX United States)
Stansbury, E.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1998
Publication Information
Publication: Workshop on the Issue Martian Meteorites: Where do we Stand and Where are we Going?
Subject Category
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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