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Constraints on the Nature and Distribution of Iridium Host Phases at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary: Implications for Projectile Identity and dispersal on impactAmong Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sites worldwide, variations in the concentrations and ratios of elements commonly enriched in meteorites complicate traditional geochemical attempts at impactor identification. Yet they may provide constraints on the physical and chemical processes associated with large-body disruption and dispersal, as well as with diagenesis of projectile components. To this end, we continue our efforts to identify the mineral host-phases of projectile-derived elements, particularly for Ir, and to document their partitioning between crater deposits and ejecta resulting from the Chicxulub basin-forming impact. Building on earlier work, we used INAA to measure Ir concentrations in successively smaller splits of finely powdered impact melt breccia from the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico (sample Y6Nl9-R(b)), and K/T boundary fish clay from Stevns Klint, Denmark (sample FC-1, split from 40 kg of homogenized material intended as an analytical standard). Results for the Chicxulub sample show a heterogeneous Ir distribution and document that at least five discrete Ir-bearing host phases were isolated in subsequent splits, having Ir masses equivalent to pure Ir spheres from about 0.8 to about 3.5 mm in diameter. Three of these are within a sufficiently reduced mass of powder to warrant searching for them using backscattered electron microscopy. In contrast, successively smaller splits of the Stevns Klint fish clay show no statistically significant deviation from the reported value of 32 +/- 2 ng/g Ir, suggesting a uniform Ir host-phase distribution. For the smallest split obtained thus far (100 +/- 40 ng/g Ir), a pure Ir sphere of equivalent Ir mass would be <0.05 min in diameter. (n.b. Although homogenizing and sieving of FC-1 to <75 min obviously obscured variations in stratigraphic distribution, it is unlikely to have affected the size-frequency distribution of Ir host phases.) We previously identified micrometer-scale Ir host phases by electron microscopy in melt-rock samples from two widely separated drill holes at the Chicxulub Basin, including a replicate split of Y6-NI9-R. One is an aggregate of subhedral Ir metal grains enclosed in silicate, in which no other Pt group elements (PGE) were detected. A second particle with twice the mass as the first, concentrated predominantly in a single grain, is associated with minor concentrations of Os, Ru, and Pt, and with adhering particles of corundum and perovskite. A third Ir-rich particle, with a greater apparent Os concentration, was identified before being lost as a result of charging under the electron beam. In addition to demonstrating the preservation of projectile components within the Chicxulub Crater, analogous phase associations in Ca- and Al-rich inclusions (CAI) from C2 and C3 chondrites suggest to us that these melt-rock Ir host phases are relics from a carbonaceous chondrite K/T boundary impactor Although the obviously low Ru/Ir ratios of the Chicxulub Ir host phases are qualitatively consistent with suggested PGE fractionation with distance during condensation in an ejecta cloud, it seems difficult to explain the accumulation of the about 3 x 10(exp 11) Ir atoms required to form a about 10(exp -10) g nugget of pure Ir metal within a jet of vaporized projectile expanding at 1-4 km/s, or to effectively exclude or remove commonly alloyed PGE and siderophile elements by fractionation processes resulting from condensation, oxidation, sulfidization, exsolution, or autometamorphism during cooling of the melt. We do not dismiss the importance of these processes entirely; on the contrary, other geochemical and mineralogical aspects of the melt rocks require them, and condensation from the expanding ejecta cloud appears to best explain the primary Ir host-phase distribution in the fish clay, as well as the high Ir concentrations associated with spinel-bearing spheroids at the K/T boundary in the Pacific Ocean . If the "relict" hypothesis is correct, micronuggets of other PGEs and alloys, not detected by our INAA screening, should also occur in the melt rocks. Possibly, the discrete host phases with lesser Ir masses are such alloys with subordinate Ir, rather than simply smaller, predominantly Ir-bearing particles. A CAI source for the relics would be consistent with either a comet or an asteroid K/T impact at Chicxulub. (Additional information contained in the original.)
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Schuraytz, B. C.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX United States)
Lindstrom, D. J.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX United States)
Sharpton, V. L.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution
Subject Category
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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