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Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, Second EditionThis book intends to build a bridge for the student and the young engineer: to link the rocket propulsion fundamentals and elements (which are well covered in the literature) with the actual rocket engine design and development work as it is carried out in industry (which is very little, if at all covered in literature). The book attempts to further the understanding of the realistic application of liquid rocket propulsion theories, and to help avoid or at least reduce time and money consuming errors and disappointments. In so doing, it also attempts to digest and consolidate numerous closely related subjects, hitherto often treated as separate, bringing them up to date at the same time. The book was written "on the job" for use by those active in all phases of engine systems design, development, and application, in industry as well as government agencies. Since it addresses itself to human beings set out to create new machines, rather than describing machines about to dominate man, the language chosen may not always be "functional" in the strict sense of the word. The book presents sufficient detail to familiarize and educate thoroughly those responsible for various aspects of liquid propellant rocketry, including engine systems design, engine development, and flight vehicle application. It should enable the rocket engineer to conduct, independently, complete or partial engine systems preliminary detail designs and to understand and judge the activities in, and the problems, limitations, and "facts of life~ of the various subsystems making up a complete engine system. It also attempts to educate those ultimately interested in specialized subsystems and component design (thrust chamber, turbopump, control valves, etc.) about their own as well as neighboring subsystems and about the complete engine system. This should enable the student to prepare realistic analytical calculations and design layouts with a long headstart toward the final specialized designs for subsystem production release. Special emphasis has been placed on engine flight application to stimulate engine systems and subsystem designers to think in these terms from the outset. The book is intended as a textbook, with specific consideration of the teacher without industry experience. We hope it will stimulate those desiring to specialize in the area of a rocket engine subsystem by supplying adequate information to enable them to benefit fully from the specialized literature. Thus, it provides a realistic expert introduction for those joining the liquid propellant rocket engine field.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Special Publication (SP)
Dieter K Huzel
(North American Aviation Los Angeles, California, United States)
David H Huang
(North American Aviation Los Angeles, California, United States)
Date Acquired
September 2, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1967
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
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Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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