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Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 11th, Houston, TX, March 17-21, 1980, Proceedings. Volume 2 - Meteorite and regolith studiesTopics discussed include studies of chondrites, mesosiderites, and achondrites; isotope modeling; Antarctic weathering; irradiation effects; lunar regolith studies; the Apollo 17 drill core; soils and agglutinates; and volatiles. Particular attention is given to the proportional retention of I and Xe-129 in preheated Allende, olivine clasts from mesosiderites and howardites as clues to the nature of achondritic parent bodies, a record of solar corpuscular radiation in minerals from lunar soils, the experimental shock metamorphism of lunar soil, and the clouding of pyroxene and plagioclase in eucrites.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Merrill, R. B.
(Lunar and Planetary Institute Houston, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 10, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1980
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Meeting Information
Meeting: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Location: Houston, TX
Start Date: March 17, 1980
End Date: March 21, 1980
Sponsors: LPI, NASA
Accession Number
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