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Prebiotic formation of 'energy-rich' thioesters from glyceraldehyde and N-acetylcysteineThe 'energy-rich' thioester, N-acetyl-S-lactoylcysteine, is formed from low concentrations of glyceraldehyde and N-acetylcysteine under anaerobic conditions at ambient temperature in aqueous solutions of sodium phosphate (pH 7.0). Reactions with 2mM glyceraldehyde, 2mM N-acetylcysteine, and 500 mM sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) convert about 0.3 percent/day of the glyceraldehyde to lactoyl thioester. The formation of lactoyl thioester in similar reactions with 500 mM imidazole hydrochloride (pH 7.0) is supported by the thiol-dependence of lactate formation, which is 3-fold greater in the presence of thiol (0.11 percent/day) than in the absence of thiol (0.04 percent/day). The formation of lactoly thioester is thought to proceed by the phosphate (or imidazole)-catalyzed dehydration of glyceraldehyde, which adds to the thiol to form a hemithioacetal that rearranges to the thioester. A limited amount of a second thioester, N-acetyl-S-glyceroyl-cysteine, is also formed at the beginning of these reactions. The significance of these reactions to the origin of life is discussed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Weber, A. L.
(Salk Institute for Biological Studies San Diego, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1984
Publication Information
Publication: Origins of Life
Volume: 15
Issue: 1 19
ISSN: 0302-1688
Subject Category
Space Biology
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
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