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Spray combustion stabilityThe central purpose of this project is the improvement of liquid-fueled rocket motor design technology in order to assist the establishment of economical commercial access to space through the development of engines with enhanced performance and reliability. Specific research effort in the project is focused on spray physics and associated combustion instability phenomena. Results garnered from this work will contribute to the development of new computational tools for design of stable liquid propellant rocket engines. The specific objectives of the research effort include identifying and evaluating physical submodels which pertain to spray combustion stability with the idea of enhancing or refining existing submodels with a more comprehensive approach. In particular, any refinements to the spray combustion physical submodels which are achieved during the project will be channeled back to Rocketdyne for incorporation in their ARICC liquid rocket combustor code as second generation improvements. Also, as the ARICC code forms the basis or future CFD development, some effort is devoted to an evaluation of the code's capability for modeling oscillating pressure waves within the combustor.
Document ID
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Liang, Pak-Yan
(Center for Advanced Space Propulsion Tullahoma, TN United States)
Jeng, S. M.
(Center for Advanced Space Propulsion Tullahoma, TN United States)
Litchford, Ronald
(Center for Advanced Space Propulsion Tullahoma, TN United States)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
October 31, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: Center for Advanced Space Propulsion
Subject Category
Inorganic And Physical Chemistry
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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