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The ordnance transfer interrupter: A new type of S & A deviceA discussion is given in this paper of a new approach to the Safing and Arming of aerospace ordnance systems interconnected by detonation transfer lines, in which the conventional type of S&A device normally used for this purpose is replaced by a relatively simple electro-mechanical switching device, referred to as an 'Interrupter.' In this approach the Interrupter, which is interposed in the transfer line between the system initiator and output device, is completely passive in that it contains no pyrotechnic devices or materials. Being passive (therefore, non-initiating), the Interrupter is much less hazardous to handle and install, as well as being significantly less complex and costly than conventional S&A devices containing EED's and explosive leads. Details are presented relative to the design, development and qualification, by PS/EDD, of an ordnance transfer Interrupter intended for use on a commercial launch missile. This device, which is capable of simultaneously 'switching' multiple detonation transfer lines, incorporates a rod-type rotary barrier with independent transverse apertures for each transfer line. Barrier actuation is bi-modal, i.e., the barrier can be driven from safe-to-arm or from arm-to-safe positions by independent electro-mechanical actuators. The Interrupter described also features visual and remote status monitoring provisions and, in common with range-approved conventional S&A devices, a pre-flight safety locking mechanism functioned by a removable safing key.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Greenslade, John T.
(Pacific Scientific Co. Avondale-Goodyear, AZ United States)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1994
Publication Information
Publication: The 2nd NASA Aerospace Pyrotechnic Systems Workshop
Subject Category
Propellants And Fuels
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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