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A Radar Safety Device for Lidars Probing the AtmosphereLasers have been used for important atmospheric research almost since their inception. Present day lidar systems continue this serious work and lasers are currently being used in increasingly sophisticated ways to expand our knowledge of atmospheric processes. Langley Research Center, for example, has been performing airborne and ground-based stratospheric volcanic-aerosol lidar measurements for the past 27 years and the University of Utah has been measuring cirrus cloud radiative properties with lidar for the past 20 years. Although the widespread use of lasers probing the atmosphere is too voluminous to cite in an extended abstract, one critical fact must be noted: atmospheric lidar measurements must increasingly be performed wherever they are needed and thus the problems associated with the operation of lidars and aircraft in the same airspace are becoming increasingly vexatious. The lidar community is quite sensitive to this issue and procedures such as the issuance of Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS), informing the FAA of lidar operations, and use of ground-based aircraft observers are already being widely utilized. Current measures, however, depend largely on pilots receiving the NOTAM and acting on it or approach control vectoring the aircraft away from the lidar site. Perhaps a better approach is to provide the lidar site with an autonomous capability to automatically interrupt laser operations while any aircraft is close-by. This abstract describes our efforts to develop and test an inexpensive radar system for use as an aircraft proximity warning and laser shut-down device during atmospheric lidar operations.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Alvarez, J. M.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA United States)
Fuller, W. H., Jr.
(Science Applications International Corp. Hampton, VA United States)
Lawrence, R. M.
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Hampton, VA United States)
Date Acquired
August 18, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 1998
Publication Information
Publication: Nineteenth International Laser Radar Conference
Issue: Part 2
Subject Category
Lasers And Masers
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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