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Fracture Mechanics of Thin, Cracked Plates Under Tension, Bending and Out-of-Plane Shear LoadingCracks in the skin of aircraft fuselages or other shell structures can be subjected to very complex stress states, resulting in mixed-mode fracture conditions. For example, a crack running along a stringer in a pressurized fuselage will be subject to the usual in-plane tension stresses (Mode-I) along with out-of-plane tearing stresses (Mode-III like). Crack growth and initiation in this case is correlated not only with the tensile or Mode-I stress intensity factor, K(sub I), but depends on a combination of parameters and on the history of crack growth. The stresses at the tip of a crack in a plate or shell are typically described in terms of either the small deflection Kirchhoff plate theory. However, real applications involve large deflections. We show, using the von-Karman theory, that the crack tip stress field derived on the basis of the small deflection theory is still valid for large deflections. We then give examples demonstrating the exact calculation of energy release rates and stress intensity factors for cracked plates loaded to large deflections. The crack tip fields calculated using the plate theories are an approximation to the actual three dimensional fields. Using three dimensional finite element analyses we have explored the relationship between the three dimensional elasticity theory and two dimensional plate theory results. The results show that for out-of-plane shear loading the three dimensional and Kirchhoff theory results coincide at distance greater than h/2 from the crack tip, where h/2 is the plate thickness. Inside this region, the distribution of stresses through the thickness can be very different from the plate theory predictions. We have also explored how the energy release rate varies as a function of crack length to plate thickness using the different theories. This is important in the implementation of fracture prediction methods using finite element analysis. Our experiments show that under certain conditions, during fatigue crack growth, the presence of out-of-plane shear loads induces a great deal of contact and friction on the crack surfaces, dramatically reducing crack growth rate. A series of experiments and a proposed computational approach for accounting for the friction is discussed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Zehnder, Alan T.
(Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY United States)
Hui, C. Y.
(Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY United States)
Potdar, Yogesh
(Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY United States)
Zucchini, Alberto
(Energia Nucleare e Delle Energie Alternative Bologna, Italy)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1999
Publication Information
Publication: The Second Joint NASA/FAA/DoD Conference on Aging Aircraft
Issue: Pt. 2
Subject Category
Structural Mechanics
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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