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A Hydrazine Leak Sensor Based on Chemically Reactive ThermistorsLeaks in the hydrazine supply system of the Shuttle APU can result in hydrazine ignition and fire in the aft compartment of the Shuttle. Indication of the location of a leak could provide valuable information required for operational decisions. WSTF has developed a small, single use sensor for detection of hydrazine leaks. The sensor is composed of a thermistor bead coated with copper(II) oxide (CuO) dispersed in a clay or alumina binder. The CuO-coated thermistor is one of a pair of closely located thermistors, the other being a reference. On exposure to hydrazine the CuO reacts exothermically with the hydrazine and increases the temperature of the coated-thermistor by several degrees. The temperature rise is sensed by a resistive bridge circuit and an alarm registered by data acquisition software. Responses of this sensor to humidity changes, hydrazine concentration, binder characteristics, distance from a liquid leak, and ambient pressure levels as well as application of this sensor concept to other fluids are presented.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
White Sands Test Facility
Document Type
Conference Paper
Davis, Dennis D.
(Allied-Signal Technical Services Corp. Las Cruces, NM United States)
Mast, Dion J.
(Allied-Signal Technical Services Corp. Las Cruces, NM United States)
Baker, David L.
(NASA White Sands Test Facility NM United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1999
Publication Information
Publication: JANNAF 28th Propellant Development and Characterization Subcommittee and 17th Safety and Environmental Protection Subcommitte Joint Meeting
Volume: 1
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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