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NASA Thesaurus: Hierarchical Listing with Definitions; Rotated Term Display - Volumes 1 and 2The NASA Thesaurus contains the authorized subject terms by which the documents in the NASA STI Databases are indexed and retrieved. The scope of this controlled vocabulary includes not only aerospace engineering, but all supporting areas of engineering and physics, the natural space sciences (astronomy, astrophysics, planetary science), Earth sciences, and to some extent, the biological sciences. Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing With Definitions contains over 18,400 subject terms, 4,300 definitions, and more than 4,500 USE cross references. The Hierarchical Listing presents full hierarchical structure for each term along with 'related term' lists, and can serve as an orthographic authority. Volume 2 - Rotated Term Display is a ready-reference tool which provides over 52,700 additional 'access points' to the thesaurus terminology. It contains the postable and nonpostable terms found in the Hierarchical Listing arranged in a KWIC (key-word-in-context) index.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Other - Thesaurus
External Source(s)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2012
Subject Category
Documentation And Information Science
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/SP-2012-7501/VOL1-2
Distribution Limits
Content with NO Permission