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An Instrument to Measure Elemental Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Nuclei Up to 10(exp 16) eVA longstanding goal of cosmic ray research is to measure the elemental energy spectra of cosmic rays up to and through the "knee" (approx. equal to 3 x 10 (exp 15) eV. It is not currently feasible to achieve this goal with an ionization calorimeter because the mass required to be deployed in Earth orbit is very large (at least 50 tonnes). An alternative method will be presented. This is based on measuring the primary particle energy by determining the angular distribution of secondaries produced in a target layer using silicon microstrip detector technology. The proposed technique can be used over a wide range of energies (10 (exp 11)- 10 (exp 16) eV) and gives an energy resolution of 60% or better. Based on this technique, a design for a new lightweight instrument with a large aperture (KLEM) will be described.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Adams, J.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Bashindzhagyan, G.
(Moscow State Univ. Russia)
Chilingarian, A.
(Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR Erivan, Armenia)
Drury, L.
(Dublin Inst. for Advanced Studies Ireland)
Egorov, N.
(Research Inst. for Material Science and Technology Zelenograd, Russia)
(Research Inst. for Material Science and Technology Zelenograd, Russia)
Korotkova, N.
(Moscow State Univ. Russia)
Panasyuk, M.
(Moscow State Univ. Russia)
Podorozhnyi, D.
(Moscow State Univ. Russia)
Procqureur, J.
(Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique Bordeaux, France)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2000
Subject Category
Space Radiation
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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