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Performance of the OVERFLOW-MLP and LAURA-MLP CFD Codes on the NASA Ames 512 CPU Origin SystemThe shared memory Multi-Level Parallelism (MLP) technique, developed last year at NASA Ames has been very successful in dramatically improving the performance of important NASA CFD codes. This new and very simple parallel programming technique was first inserted into the OVERFLOW production CFD code in FY 1998. The OVERFLOW-MLP code's parallel performance scaled linearly to 256 CPUs on the NASA Ames 256 CPU Origin 2000 system (steger). Overall performance exceeded 20.1 GFLOP/s, or about 4.5x the performance of a dedicated 16 CPU C90 system. All of this was achieved without any major modification to the original vector based code. The OVERFLOW-MLP code is now in production on the inhouse Origin systems as well as being used offsite at commercial aerospace companies. Partially as a result of this work, NASA Ames has purchased a new 512 CPU Origin 2000 system to further test the limits of parallel performance for NASA codes of interest. This paper presents the performance obtained from the latest optimization efforts on this machine for the LAURA-MLP and OVERFLOW-MLP codes. The Langley Aerothermodynamics Upwind Relaxation Algorithm (LAURA) code is a key simulation tool in the development of the next generation shuttle, interplanetary reentry vehicles, and nearly all "X" plane development. This code sustains about 4-5 GFLOP/s on a dedicated 16 CPU C90. At this rate, expected workloads would require over 100 C90 CPU years of computing over the next few calendar years. It is not feasible to expect that this would be affordable or available to the user community. Dramatic performance gains on cheaper systems are needed. This code is expected to be perhaps the largest consumer of NASA Ames compute cycles per run in the coming year.The OVERFLOW CFD code is extensively used in the government and commercial aerospace communities to evaluate new aircraft designs. It is one of the largest consumers of NASA supercomputing cycles and large simulations of highly resolved full aircraft are routinely undertaken. Typical large problems might require 100s of Cray C90 CPU hours to complete. The dramatic performance gains with the 256 CPU steger system are exciting. Obtaining results in hours instead of months is revolutionizing the way in which aircraft manufacturers are looking at future aircraft simulation work. Figure 2 below is a current state of the art plot of OVERFLOW-MLP performance on the 512 CPU Lomax system. As can be seen, the chart indicates that OVERFLOW-MLP continues to scale linearly with CPU count up to 512 CPUs on a large 35 million point full aircraft RANS simulation. At this point performance is such that a fully converged simulation of 2500 time steps is completed in less than 2 hours of elapsed time. Further work over the next few weeks will improve the performance of this code even further.The LAURA code has been converted to the MLP format as well. This code is currently being optimized for the 512 CPU system. Performance statistics indicate that the goal of 100 GFLOP/s will be achieved by year's end. This amounts to 20x the 16 CPU C90 result and strongly demonstrates the viability of the new parallel systems rapidly solving very large simulations in a production environment.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Taft, James R.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 2000
Subject Category
Computer Programming And Software
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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