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Conductive Tether Coating for Electrodynamic TethersThe Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS), which is an on-orbit demonstration of the propulsion capabilities of electrodynamic tethers in space, is a secondary payload on a Delta 11 unmanned expendable booster. The ProSEDS tether consists of a 5 km bare electrodynamic tether and a 1 0-km non-conductive leader tether. Near the Delta 11, 160 m of the conductive tether is insulated to prevent plasma electron collection from the plasma contactor and for other science requirements. The remainder of the 5-km conductive tether is coated with a new conductive coating to collect plasma electrons. A bare metal tether easily collects electrons from the plasma, but thermal concerns preclude this design. A highly emissive conductive polymer developed by Triton Systems, Inc. has been optimized for both conductivity and thermo-optical properties. The current design for the ProSEDS conductive tether is seven individually coated strands of 28 AWG aluminum wire, coated with an atomic oxygen-resistant conductive polymer composed of a mixture of COR (Colorless Oxygen Resistant) and polyanaline (PANI) known as C-COR (Conductive-Colorless Oxygen Resistant). The conductive-coated wire strands are cold-welded to individually coated strands of the insulated tether. The insulated tether is coated with 1 mil of polyimide and an atomic oxygen resistant polymer TOR-BP. The insulated tether must stand off the entire voltage of the tether (1 200 V) at various times during the mission. All seven wires are twisted around a Kevlar-29 core using the Hi-wire design. Extensive testing has been performed at the Marshall Space Flight Center to qualify both the conductive coating and insulating coating for use on the ProSEDS tether. The conductive coating has been exposed to a plasma to verify the coatings ability to collect electrons from the space plasma from 0 to 1500 V, and to verify the coatings ability to collect electrons after atomic oxygen exposure. The insulated coating has been tested to verify its dielectric strength both in a vacuum and air. Thermal optical properties on both coatings have been measured before and after atomic oxygen testing. The results of these tests will be presented.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Jason A Vaughn
(Marshall Space Flight Center Redstone Arsenal, United States)
Pete Schuler
(Triton Systems (United States) Chelmsford, Massachusetts, United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Subject Category
Nonmetallic Materials
Meeting Information
Meeting: 11th Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Country: US
Start Date: May 31, 2000
End Date: June 2, 2000
Sponsors: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.

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