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Multifunctional Collaborative Modeling and Analysis Methods in Engineering ScienceEngineers are challenged to produce better designs in less time and for less cost. Hence, to investigate novel and revolutionary design concepts, accurate, high-fidelity results must be assimilated rapidly into the design, analysis, and simulation process. This assimilation should consider diverse mathematical modeling and multi-discipline interactions necessitated by concepts exploiting advanced materials and structures. Integrated high-fidelity methods with diverse engineering applications provide the enabling technologies to assimilate these high-fidelity, multi-disciplinary results rapidly at an early stage in the design. These integrated methods must be multifunctional, collaborative, and applicable to the general field of engineering science and mechanics. Multifunctional methodologies and analysis procedures are formulated for interfacing diverse subdomain idealizations including multi-fidelity modeling methods and multi-discipline analysis methods. These methods, based on the method of weighted residuals, ensure accurate compatibility of primary and secondary variables across the subdomain interfaces. Methods are developed using diverse mathematical modeling (i.e., finite difference and finite element methods) and multi-fidelity modeling among the subdomains. Several benchmark scalar-field and vector-field problems in engineering science are presented with extensions to multidisciplinary problems. Results for all problems presented are in overall good agreement with the exact analytical solution or the reference numerical solution. Based on the results, the integrated modeling approach using the finite element method for multi-fidelity discretization among the subdomains is identified as most robust. The multiple-method approach is advantageous when interfacing diverse disciplines in which each of the method's strengths are utilized. The multifunctional methodology presented provides an effective mechanism by which domains with diverse idealizations are interfaced. This capability rapidly provides the high-fidelity results needed in the early design phase. Moreover, the capability is applicable to the general field of engineering science and mechanics. Hence, it provides a collaborative capability that accounts for interactions among engineering analysis methods.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Ransom, Jonathan B.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA United States)
Broduer, Steve
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
January 24, 2001
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: FEMCI Workshop 2001: Innovative FEM Solutions to Challenging Problems
Location: Greenbelt, MD
Country: United States
Start Date: May 16, 2001
End Date: May 17, 2001
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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