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Nucleation and Growth According to LysozymeHow does one take a molecule, strongly asymmetric in both shape and charge distribution, and assemble it into a crystal? We propose a model for the nucleation and crystal growth process for tetragonal lysozyme that may be very germane to other monomeric proteins. The first species formed is postulated to be a dimer. Through repeating associations involving the same intermolecular interactions this becomes the 4(sub 3) helix, that in turn serves as the basic unit for nucleation and crystal growth. High salt attenuates surface charges while promoting hydrophobic interactions. Symmetry facilitates helix self-association. Assembly stability is enhanced when a four helix structure is obtained, with each bound to two neighbors. Only two unique interactions are required. The first are those for helix formation, where the dominant interaction is the intermolecular bridging anion. The second is the anti-parallel side-by-side helix-helix interaction, guided by alternating pairs of symmetry related salt bridges along each side. At this stage all eight unique positions of the P4(sub 3)2(sub 1)2(sub 1) unit cell are filled. From the above, the process is one of a) attenuating the most strongly interacting groups, such that b) the molecules begin to self-associate in defined patterns, so that c) symmetry is obtained, which d) propagates as a growing crystal. Simple and conceptually obvious in hindsight, this tells much about what we are empirically doing when we crystallize macromolecules. By adjusting the solution parameters we are empirically balancing the intermolecular interactions, preferentially attenuating the dominant strong (for lysozyme the charged groups) while strengthening the lesser strong (hydrophobic) interactions. Lysozyme is atypical in the breadth of its crystallization conditions; many proteins only crystallize under narrowly defined conditions, pointing to the criticality of the empirical balancing process. Lack of a singularly defined association pathway leads to formation of multiple species, i.e., amorphous precipitation. Weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonds, are promiscuous, serving to strengthen rather than define specific interactions. Participation in an interaction sequesters that surface from subsequent interactions, and we expect the strongest bonds to form first. When two molecules self associate the resulting species will have an axis of symmetry. Subsequent interactions between two associated species having equivalent interactions will also have symmetry. Only a few unique sets of interactions are required to give any of the commonly found space groups for monomeric proteins. This model and what it suggests will be discussed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Pusey, Marc L.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Curreri, Peter A.
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2002
Subject Category
Solid-State Physics
Meeting Information
Meeting: International Conference on Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules
Location: Jena
Country: Germany
Start Date: March 24, 2002
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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