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Nutritional Status Assessment (SMO 016E)Until 2006, it was not been possible to assess nutritional status of crewmembers on the ISS during flight because blood and urine could not be collected during ISS missions. Postflight observations of alterations in status of several nutrients are troubling, and we require the ability to monitor the status of these nutrients during flight to determine if there is a specific impetus or timeframe for these changes. In addition to the monitoring of crew nutritional status during flight, in-flight sample collection would allow better assessment of countermeasure effectiveness. Collecting samples during flight is one of the objectives of SMO 016E, and it is also designed to expand the current medical requirement for nutritional assessment (MR016L) to include additional normative markers for assessing crew health and countermeasure effectiveness. Additional markers of bone metabolism will be measured to better monitor bone health and the effectiveness of countermeasures to prevent bone resorption. New markers of oxidative damage will be measured to better assess the type of oxidative insults that occur during space flight. The array of nutritional assessment variables will be expanded to include ones that will allow us to better understand changes in folate, vitamin K, and vitamin B6 status, as well as risk factors for cardiovascular and oxidative damage during and after flight. Stress hormones and hormones that affect bone and muscle metabolism will also be measured. Measuring these additional variables will allow us to better monitor the health of crewmembers and make more accurate recommendations for their rehabilitation. Several nutritional assessment variables are altered at landing, but it is not known how long these changes persist. We extended the original protocol to include an additional postflight blood and urine sample collection 30 days after landing. Data are being collected before, during, and after flight. These data will provide a complete survey of how nutritional status and related systems are affected by space flight. Analyzing the data will help us to define nutritional requirements for long-duration missions. This expanded set of measurements will also aid in the identification of nutritional countermeasures to counteract, for example, the deleterious effects of microgravity on bone and muscle and the effects of space radiation.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Smith, S. M.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Zwart, S. R.
(Universities Space Research Association Houston, TX, United States)
Heer, M.
(Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt Germany)
Ericson, K.
(Indiana Univ. IN, United States)
Coburn, S. P.
(Indiana Univ. IN, United States)
Booth, S. A.
(Tufts Univ. United States)
Jones, J. A.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Lupton, J.
(Texas A&M Univ. United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
February 2, 2009
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: NASA Human Research Program
Location: Houston, TX
Country: United States
Start Date: February 3, 2010
End Date: February 5, 2010
Distribution Limits

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