Trajectory Model of Lunar Dust ParticlesThe goal of this work was to predict the trajectories of blowing lunar regolith (soil) particles when a spacecraft lands on or launches from the Moon. The blown regolith is known to travel at very high velocity and to damage any hardware located nearby on the Moon. It is important to understand the trajectories so we can develop technologies to mitigate the blast effects for the launch and landing zones at a lunar outpost. A mathematical model was implemented in software to predict the trajectory of a single spherical mass acted on by the gas jet from the nozzle of a lunar lander.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Extended Abstract
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
March 3, 2008
Publication Information
Publication: John F. Kennedy Space Center's Technology Development and Application 2006-2007 Report
IDRelationTitle20090022202Collected WorksJohn F. Kennedy Space Center's Technology Development and Application 2006-2007 Report20090022202Collected WorksJohn F. Kennedy Space Center's Technology Development and Application 2006-2007 Report