Cleanser, Detergent, Personal Care Product, and Pretreatment EvaluationThe purpose of the Cleanser, Detergent, Personal Care Product, and Pretreatment Evaluation & Selection task is to identify the optimal combination of personal hygiene products, crew activities, and pretreatment strategies to provide the crew with sustainable life support practices and a comfortable habitat. Minimal energy, mass, and crew time inputs are desired to recycle wastewater during long duration missions. This document will provide a brief background on the work this past year supporting the ELS Distillation Comparison Test, issues regarding use of the hygiene products originally chosen for the test, methods and results used to select alternative products, and lessons learned from testing.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Adam, Niklas (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Carrier, Chris (Barrios Technology, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Vega, Leticia (Jacobs Technologies Engineering Science Contract Group Houston, TX, United States)
Casteel, Michael (Jacobs Technologies Engineering Science Contract Group Houston, TX, United States)
Verostko, chuck (Wyle Life Sciences, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Pickering, Karen (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2011
Subject Category
Chemistry And Materials (General)
Report/Patent Number
JSC-CN-23269Report Number: JSC-CN-23269
Meeting Information
Meeting: International Conference on Environmental Systems
Location: Reston, VA
Country: United States
Start Date: July 17, 2011
End Date: July 21, 2011
Sponsors: American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics