An accelerated Life Testing Dataset for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Constant and Variable Loading Conditions: The dataset repository is organized into three main folders, each containing one group of life cycled battery packs. Within each folder individual battery packs own their dedicated csv file for continuous data logging, which are named with their respective battery pack number. The folders are named: - regular_alt_batteries: Containing one csv file for each battery pack cycled at the same load level or load range throughout lifetime - recommissioned_batteries: Containing one csv file for each battery pack cycled at different load levels at varying life stages - second_life_batteries: Containing one csv file for each second life battery pack cycled at constant current througout the second life The columns in each csv file contain the following data with the provided units: The following columns contain data throughout the cycling process: - start time: [mm:dd:yyyy hh:mm:ss] (start time of each cycle day for each battery pack, in most cases approximately 24h) - relative time: [s] (the relative time is continuous from the beginning of the entire life cycle to the failure of each battery pack) - mode: -1 = discharge, 0 = rest, 1 = charge - voltage charger: [V] (continuous battery pack voltage measurement right after the connection of the battery pack to the charger board) - temperature battery: [C] (continuous temperature measurement on the battery cell electrode surface) Those columns only contain data when the respective battery is connected to the load board and performing a discharge mission - voltage load: [V] (battery pack voltage measured on the load board) - current load: [A] (discharge current measured on the load board using current sense resistors) - temperature mosfet: [C] (temperature on the load board mosfets, measured for safety purposes) - temperature resistor: [C] (temperature on the load board current sense resistor, measured for safety purposes) - mission type: 0 = reference discharge (constant current at 2.5A), 1 = regular mission Please cite this dataset using: ``` @misc{2023_alt_dataset_fricke_et_al, Author = {Kajetan Fricke and Renato G. Nascimento and Felipe A. C. Viana}, Doi = {}, Howpublished = {}, Month = {July}, Publisher = {}, Title = {An accelerated Life Testing Dataset for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Constant and Variable Loading Conditions}, Url = {}, Version = {0.0.1}, Year = {2023}} ``` The corresponding reference entry should look like: An accelerated Life Testing Dataset for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Constant and Variable Loading Conditions, v0.0.1, ## Publications The following publications out of the PML-UCF research group used/referred to this repository: - K. Fricke, R. G. Nascimento, M. Corbetta, C. S. Kulkarni, F. A. C. Viana, "[Prognosis of Li-ion Batteries Under Large Load Variations Using Hybrid Physics-Informed Neural Networks]" - K. Fricke, R. G. Nascimento, M. Corbetta, C. S. Kulkarni, F. A. C. Viana, "[An accelerated Life Testing Dataset for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Constant and Variable Loading Conditions]"