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Delta-90 Interplanetary Monitoring Platform-H (IMP-H) flash flight reportThe Delta-90 launch vehicle and the IMP-H spacecraft were successfully launched from Pad B, Complex 17, Cape Kennedy Air Force Station, Florida, at 2120:00.559 EDT on September 22, 1972. The countdown proceeded smoothly to liftoff with no major difficulties or unscheduled holds. The Delta-90/IMP-H were launched on a pad azimuth of 115 degrees, the vehicle ten rolled to 95 degrees from the north placing the spacecraft in a highly elliptical transfer orbit. Firing the spacecraft kickmotor at 1136 EDT, September 25, 1972, injected the spacecraft into its final desirable near-circular orbit approximately half way between the planet earth and its moon. Vehicle performance of all stages appeared nominal with all sequenced events occurring at the expected times. Data acquisition from all range stations was very good. Damage to the launch pad caused by liftoff was nominal.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Date Acquired
September 2, 2013
Publication Date
October 5, 1972
Subject Category
Space Sciences
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: KSC-TR-1199
Report Number: NASA-TM-X-68929
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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