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The Nimbus 6 data catalog. Volume 6: Data orbits 4339 through 5155Satellite operations from launch through 14 July (orbit 425) consisted of engineering evaluation of all spacecraft systems. As a result of that effort, data reception, accountability and processing were intermittent during that period. During orbit 4905 (12 June), Nimbus 6 successfully completed one year operations. A summary of the documentation for each Nimbus 6 Data Catalog volume is presented. The pitch of the Nimbus 6 satellite has been made to alternate between +2.0 degrees, +0.6 degrees, and 0.0 degrees since launch. A positive pitch angle of 0.6 degrees moves the nadir-looking position 11.5 kilometers ahead of the subsatellite point. A positive pitch angle of 2.0 degrees moves the nadir-looking position 38.3 kilometers ahead of the subsatellite point. At these pitch angles, a scanner-type instrument no longer scans the earth along a great circle arc through the subpoint, but scans along the small circle formed by the intersection of the scan plane with the earth. Since the plane of the small circle is tilted with respect to the nominal scan plane, points on the arc are displaced farther from the great circle as the scan angle increases. As noted above, a pitch angle of 0.6 degrees causes a displacement of 11.5 kilometers at nadir, but when the scanner turns 45 degrees away from nadir the displacement increases slightly to 12.8 kilometers. Similarly, for a 2.0 degree pitch the displacement is 38.3 kilometers at nadir and increases to 42.6 kilometers at a 45 degree scan angle. Thus, although the instrument records in lines normal to the orbit plane (in the absence of yaw) the perpendicular displacement from the perfect-attitude scan line is not uniform across the scan line.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Date Acquired
September 3, 2013
Publication Date
May 1, 1977
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA-CR-155232
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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