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The complex nature of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7592Long slit spectra of NGC 7592 were taken on Sep. 26 to 30, 1989 at the 1.52 cm European Southern Observatory (ESO) telescope, equipped with a Boller and Chivens spectrograph and an RCA High Resolution charge coupled device (CCD) camera. The problem of the nature of Region C is addressed at first. C shows an heliocentric radial velocity very similar to that of Regions A and B. Moreover, the arm departing from C is most probably a tidal tail, because its extension is large and its orientation is peculiar. The high H alpha luminosity of C is typical of a starburst nucleus. These facts argue in favor of C being the nucleus of a third galactic component (southern component S) physically interacting with the SE component of NGC 7592. The directions of the velocity vectors in various regions of NGC 7592 are marked. It is noteworthy that the SE component rotates clockwise, if the radial velocity difference delta v sub r from its nucleus B is due to rotation. Under the same assumption for the delta v sub r = v sub r-v sub r, A, the NW component seems to rotate counterclockwise. Thus, the gas in the regions where the two galactic bodies are in contact moves in the same way, suggesting that a prograde encounter is occurring. It is known (e.g., Toomre and Toomre, 1972) that prograde encounters have the most disruptive effects on the interacting galaxies, leading to the formation of tidal tails. The interpretation of the wing of the NW component in terms of a tidal tail thus appears very likely. A similar situation holds for the interaction between SE and S too, where S rotates counterclockwise. The interpretation of the arm departing from C as a tidal tail is supported also in this case. The difference in radial velocity between A and B (delta v sub r approx. equal - 40 km s(exp-1)) and the morphology of NGC 7592 suggests that the NW component is beyond the SE one and is approaching it. The most heavily reddened regions (E(B - V) approx. equals 0.7, derived from the H alpha/H beta ratio) are B2 and B4, namely the regions between A and B. Moreover, the small difference in radial velocity between A,B,C suggests that the three galaxies form a bound system, and their kinematics hints that they are most probably in the early stage of a merging phenomenon.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Rafanelli, Piero
(Padua Univ. (Italy). Trieste, Italy)
Marziani, Paolo
(International School for Advanced Studies)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
November 1, 1990
Publication Information
Publication: NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Paired and Interacting Galaxies: International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 124
Subject Category
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Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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