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Preliminary greenhouse design for a Martian colony: Structural, solar collection, and light distribution systemsThe design of a greenhouse that will be a component of a long-term habitat on Mars is presented. The greenhouse will be the primary food source for people stationed on Mars. The food will be grown in three identical underground modules, pressurized at 1 atm to allow a shirt-sleeve environment within the greenhouse. The underground location will support the structure, moderate the large environmental variations on the surface, and protect the crops from cosmic radiation. The design effort is concentrated on the outer structure and the lighting system for the greenhouse. The structure is inflatable and made of a Kevlar 49/Epoxy composite and a pipe-arched system that is corrugated to increase stiffness. This composite is pliable in an uncured state, which allows it to be efficiently packaged for transport. The lighting system consists of several flat-plate fiber optic solar collectors with dual-axis tracking systems that will continually track the sun. This design is modeled after the Himawari collector, which was designed by Dr. Kei Mori and is currently in use in Japan. The light will pass through Fresnel lenses that filter out undesirable wavelengths and send the light into the greenhouses by way of fiber optic cables. When the light arrives at the greenhouse, it is dispersed to the plants via a waveguide and diffuser system.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
November 1, 1990
Publication Information
Publication: USRA, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Summer Conference: NASA(USRA University Advanced Design Program
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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