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An Optimization-Based Approach to Injector Element DesignAn injector optimization methodology, method i, is used to investigate optimal design points for gaseous oxygen/gaseous hydrogen (GO2/GH2) injector elements. A swirl coaxial element and an unlike impinging element (a fuel-oxidizer-fuel triplet) are used to facilitate the study. The elements are optimized in terms of design variables such as fuel pressure drop, APf, oxidizer pressure drop, deltaP(sub f), combustor length, L(sub comb), and full cone swirl angle, theta, (for the swirl element) or impingement half-angle, alpha, (for the impinging element) at a given mixture ratio and chamber pressure. Dependent variables such as energy release efficiency, ERE, wall heat flux, Q(sub w), injector heat flux, Q(sub inj), relative combustor weight, W(sub rel), and relative injector cost, C(sub rel), are calculated and then correlated with the design variables. An empirical design methodology is used to generate these responses for both element types. Method i is then used to generate response surfaces for each dependent variable for both types of elements. Desirability functions based on dependent variable constraints are created and used to facilitate development of composite response surfaces representing the five dependent variables in terms of the input variables. Three examples illustrating the utility and flexibility of method i are discussed in detail for each element type. First, joint response surfaces are constructed by sequentially adding dependent variables. Optimum designs are identified after addition of each variable and the effect each variable has on the element design is illustrated. This stepwise demonstration also highlights the importance of including variables such as weight and cost early in the design process. Secondly, using the composite response surface that includes all five dependent variables, unequal weights are assigned to emphasize certain variables relative to others. Here, method i is used to enable objective trade studies on design issues such as component life and thrust to weight ratio. Finally, combining results from both elements to simulate a trade study, thrust-to-weight trends are illustrated and examined in detail.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Tucker, P. Kevin
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Shyy, Wei
(Florida Univ. Gainesville, FL United States)
Vaidyanathan, Rajkumar
(Florida Univ. Gainesville, FL United States)
Turner, Jim
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2000
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
AIAA Paper 2000-3220
Meeting Information
Meeting: Joint Propulsion
Location: Huntsville, AL
Country: United States
Start Date: July 16, 2000
End Date: July 19, 2000
Sponsors: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Society for Electrical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: CDDF Proj. 99-46
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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