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Magnetic Damping of g-Jitter Induced Double-Diffusive ConvectionThis paper describes a numerical study of the g-jitter driven double diffusive convective flows, thermal and concentration distributions in binary alloy melt systems subject to an external magnetic field. The study is based on the finite element solution of transient magnetohydrodynamic equations governing the momentum, thermal and solutal transport in the melt pool. Numerical simulations are conducted using the synthesized single- and multi- frequency g-jitter as well as the real g-jitter data taken during space flights with or without an applied magnetic field. It is found that for the conditions studied, the main melt flow follows approximately a lineal- superposition of velocity components induced by individual g-jitter components, regardless of whether a magnetic field exists or not. The flow field is characterized by a recirculating double diffusive convection loop oscillating in time with a defined frequency equal to that of the driving g-jitter force. An applied magnetic field has little effect on the oscillating recirculating pattern, except around the moment in time when the flow reverses its direction. The field has no effect on the oscillation period, but it changes the phase angle. It is very effective in suppressing the flow intensity and produces a notable reduction of the solutal striation and time fluctuations in the melt. For a given magnetic field strength, the magnetic damping effect is more pronounced on the velocity associated with the largest g-jitter component present and/or the g-jitter spiking peaks. A stronger magnetic field is more effective in suppressing the melt convection and also is more helpful in bringing the convection in phase with the g-jitter driving force. The applied field is particularly useful in suppressing the effect of real g-jitter spikes on both flow and solutal distributions. With appropriately selected magnetic fields, the convective flows caused by g-jitter can be reduced sufficiently and diffusion dominant. solutal transport in the melt is possible.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Shu, Y.
(Washington State Univ. Pullman, WA, United States)
Li, B. Q.
(Washington State Univ. Pullman, WA, United States)
deGroh, H. C.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 2001
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 101-15-05
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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