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San Marco-C ExplorerOn or about 24 April 1971, the San Marco-C spacecraft will be launched from the San Marco Range located off the coast of Kenya, Africa, by a Scout launch vehicle. The launch will be conducted by an Italian crew. The San Marco-C is the third cooperative satellite project between Italy and the United States. The first such cooperative project resulted in the San Marco-1 satellite which was launched into orbit from the Wallops Island Range with a Scout vehicle on 15 December 1964. The successful launch demonstrated the readiness of the Italian Centro Ricerche Aerospaziuli (CRA) launch crews to launch the Scout vehicle and qualified the basic spacecraft design. The second in the series of cooperative satellite launches was the San Marco-II which was successfully launched into orbit from the San Marco Range on 26 April 1967. This was the first Scout launch from the San Marco Range. The San Marco-II carried the same accelerometer as San Marco-1, but the orbit permitted the air drag to be studied in detail in the equatorial region. The successful launch also served to qualify the San Marco Range as a reliable facility for future satellite launches, and has since been used for the successful launch of SAS-A (Explorer 42). This cooperative project has been implemented jointly by the Italian Space Commission and NASA. The CRA provided the spacecraft, its subsystems, and an air drag balance; Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) provided an omegatron and a neutral mass spectrometer, technical consultation and support. In addition, NASA provided the Scout launch vehicle. The primary scientific objective of the San Marco-C is to obtain, by measurement, a description of the equatorial neutral-particle atmosphere in terms of its density, com- position, and temperature at altitudes of 200 km and above, and to obtain a description of variations that result from solar and geomagnetic activities. The secondary scientific objective is to investigate the interdependence of three neutral-density-measurement techniques from one spacecraft: direct particle detection, direct drag, and integrated drag.
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Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
April 9, 1971
Subject Category
Space Sciences (General)
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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