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Flexible composite material with phase change thermal storageA highly flexible composite material having a flexible matrix containing a phase change thermal storage material. The composite material can be made to heat or cool the body or to act as a thermal buffer to protect the wearer from changing environmental conditions. The composite may also include an external thermal insulation layer and/or an internal thermal control layer to regulate the rate of heat exchange between the composite and the skin of the wearer. Other embodiments of the PCM composite also provide 1) a path for evaporation or direct absorption of perspiration from the skin of the wearer for improved comfort and thermal control, 2) heat conductive pathways within the material for thermal equalization, 3) surface treatments for improved absorption or rejection of heat by the material, and 4) means for quickly regenerating the thermal storage capacity for reuse of the material. Applications of the composite materials are also described which take advantage of the composite's thermal characteristics. The examples described include a diver's wet suit, ski boot liners, thermal socks, ,gloves and a face mask for cold weather activities, and a metabolic heating or cooling blanket useful for treating hypothermia or fever patients in a medical setting and therapeutic heating or cooling orthopedic joint supports.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Buckley, Theresa M.
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
February 6, 2001
Subject Category
Composite Materials
Report/Patent Number
Patent Application Number: US-PATENT-APPL-SN-467990
Patent Number: US-PATENT-6,183,855
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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