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Ceramic Integration Technologies for Aerospace and Energy Systems: Technical Challenges and OpportunitiesCeramic integration technology has been recognized as an enabling technology for the implementation of advanced ceramic systems in a number of high-temperature applications in aerospace, power generation, nuclear, chemical, and electronic industries. Various ceramic integration technologies (joining, brazing, attachments, repair, etc.) play a role in fabrication and manufacturing of large and complex shaped parts of various functionalities. However, the development of robust and reliable integrated systems with optimum performance requires the understanding of many thermochemical and thermomechanical factors, particularly for high temperature applications. In this presentation, various challenges and opportunities in design, fabrication, and testing of integrated similar (ceramic-ceramic) and dissimilar (ceramic-metal) material systems will be discussed. Experimental results for bonding and integration of SiC based LDI fuel injector, high conductivity C/C composite based heat rejection system, solid oxide fuel cells system, ultra high temperature ceramics for leading edges, and ceramic composites for thermostructural applications will be presented. Potential opportunities and need for the development of innovative design philosophies, approaches, and integrated system testing under simulated application conditions will also be discussed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Singh, Mrityunjay
(Ohio Aerospace Inst. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
November 11, 2007
Subject Category
Composite Materials
Meeting Information
Meeting: Plenary Lecture in International PACRIM7 Conference
Location: Shanghai
Country: China
Start Date: November 11, 2007
End Date: November 14, 2007
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 561581.
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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