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Apparatus for enhancing tissue repair in mammalsAn apparatus is disclosed for enhancing tissue repair in mammals, with the apparatus comprising: a sleeve for encircling a portion of a mammalian body part, said sleeve comprising an electrically conductive coil capable of generating an electromagnetic field when an electrical current is applied thereto, means for supporting the sleeve on the mammalian body part; and means for supplying the electrically conductive coil with a square wave time varying electrical current sufficient to create a time varying electromagnetic force of from approximately 0.05 gauss to 0.05 gauss within the interior of the coil in order that when the sleeve is placed on a mammalian body part and the time varying electromagnetic force of from approximately 0.05 gauss to 0.05 gauss is generated on the mammalian body part for an extended period of time, tissue regeneration within the mammalian body part is increased to a rate in excess of the normal tissue regeneration rate that would occur without application of the time varying electromagnetic force.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Goodwin, Thomas J.
Parker, Clayton R.
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
February 20, 2007
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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