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Concentrations of Volatiles in the Lunar RegolithTo set lower and upper limits on the overall amounts and types of volatiles released during heating of polar regolith, we examined the data for equatorial lunar regolith and for the compositions of comets. The purpose, specifically, was to answer these questions: 1. Upper/Lower limits and 'best guess' for total amount of volatiles (by weight %) released from lunar regolith up to 150C 2. Upper/Lower limit and 'best guess' for composition of the volatiles released from the lunar regolith by weight %
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Taylor, Jeff
(Hawaii Univ. Honolulu, HI, United States)
Taylor, Larry
(Tennessee Univ. TN, United States)
Duke, Mike
(Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2007
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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