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Optimal Integration of Departure and Arrivals in Terminal AirspaceCoordination of operations with spatially and temporally shared resources such as route segments, fixes, and runways improves the efficiency of terminal airspace management. Problems in this category include scheduling and routing, thus they are normally difficult to solve compared with pure scheduling problems. In order to reduce the computational time, a fast time algorithm formulation using a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) was introduced in this work and applied to a test case based on existing literature. The experiment showed that new method can solve the whole problem in fast time instead of solving sub-problems sequentially with a window technique. The results showed a 60% or 406 second delay reduction was achieved by sharing departure fixes (more details on the comparison with MILP results will be presented in the final paper). Furthermore, the NSGA algorithm was applied to a problem in LAX terminal airspace, where interactions between 28% of LAX arrivals and 10% of LAX departures are resolved by spatial segregation, which may introduce unnecessary delays. In this work, spatial segregation, temporal segregation, and hybrid segregation were formulated using the new algorithm. Results showed that spatial and temporal segregation approaches achieved similar delay. Hybrid segregation introduced much less delay than the other two approaches. For a total of 9 interacting departures and arrivals, delay reduction varied from 4 minutes to 6.4 minutes corresponding flight time uncertainty from 0 to 60 seconds. Considering the amount of flights that could be affected, total annual savings with hybrid segregation would be significant.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Xue, Min
(California Univ. Santa Cruz, CA, United States)
Zelinski, Shannon Jean
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Date Acquired
May 6, 2014
Publication Date
August 13, 2012
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
AIAA Paper-2012-4977
Report Number: AIAA Paper-2012-4977
Report Number: ARC-E-DAA-TN4677
Meeting Information
Meeting: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Country: United States
Start Date: August 13, 2012
End Date: August 16, 2012
Sponsors: American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 411931.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
high density terminal
aircraft scheduling and routing
air traffic optimization
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