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The Vacuum-Compacted Regolith Gripping Mechanism and Unmanned Flights via Quad-RotorsDuring the course of the Kennedy Space Center Summer Internship, two main experiments were performed: The Vacuum-Compacted Regolith Gripping Mechanism and Unmanned Flights via Quad-copters. The objectives of the Vacuum-Compacted Regolith Gripping Mechanism, often abbreviated as the Granular Gripper, are to exhibit Space Technology, such as a soft robotic hand, lift different apparatuses used to excavate regolith, and conserve energy while executing its intended task. The project is being conducted to test how much weight the Granular Gripper can hold. With the use of an Animatronic Robotic Hand, Arduino Uno, and other components, the system was calibrated before actually conducting the intended weight test. The maximum weight each finger could hold with the servos running, in the order of pinky, ring, middle, and index fingers, are as follows: 1.340N, 1.456 N, 0.9579 N, and 1.358 N. Using the small vacuum pump system, the maximum weight each finger could hold, in the same order, was: 4.076 N, 6.159 N, 5.454 N, and 4.052 N. The maximum torques on each of the fingers when the servos were running, in the same respective order, was: 0.0777 Nm, 0.0533 Nm, 0.0648 Nm, and 0.0532 Nm. The maximum torques on the individual fingers, when the small vacuum pump was in effect, in the same order as above, was: 0.2318 Nm, 0.3032 Nm, 0.2741 Nm, and 0.1618 Nm. In testing all the fingers with the servos running, the total weight was 5.112 N and the maximum torque on the all the fingers was 0.2515 Nm. However, when the small vacuum pump system was used, the total weight was 19.741 N and the maximum torque on the all the fingers was 0.9713 Nm. The conclusion that was drawn stated that using the small vacuum pump system proved nearly 4 times more effective when testing how much weigh the hand could hold. The resistance provided by the compacted sand in the glove allowed more weight to be held by the hand and glove. Also, when the servos turned off and the hand still retaining its position, energy is being saved because the vacuum created the same resistance the running servos did without using power. The Unmanned Flights via Quad-rotors are built because multi-rotor dynamics are an important starting point and fair analog for space craft control systems and they make good terrestrial development platforms for various aspects of control for space crafts. The project is being conducted to see what the thrust response is going to be when a pulse width modulation command is sent to the control system since the quad-rotors are PWM controlled. A simulation environment in constructed so that one can quickly iterate and test different designs such as control systems, PID control vs. LDR control, and state estimation. Using two DIY Quad Kits, APM 2.6, testing apparatus (called a data acquisition system) to test the quad-rotors, and a simulation program such as Simulink, two quad-rotors are built and controlled via a simulation program, which is designed to be as realistic as possible and not idealistic. Due to the quad-rotors not being completely built nor ready for testing, there are no results or conclusions to report.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Scott, Rollin L.
(Florida Agricultural and Mechanical Univ. Tallahassee, FL, United States)
Date Acquired
November 21, 2014
Publication Date
July 29, 2014
Subject Category
Mechanical Engineering
Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence And Robotics
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: KSC-E-DAA-TN16960
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Granular Gripper
Unmanned Flights
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