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Modifying the Genetic Regulation of Bone and Cartilage Cells and Associated Tissue by EMF Stimulation Fields and Uses ThereofAn apparatus and method to modify the genetic regulation of mammalian tissue, bone, or any combination. The method may be comprised of the steps of tuning at least one predetermined profile associated with at least one time-varying stimulation field thereby resulting in at least one tuned time-varying stimulation field comprised of at least one tuned predetermined profile, wherein said at least one tuned predetermined profile is comprised of a plurality of tuned predetermined figures of merit and is controllable through at least one of said plurality of tuned predetermined figures of merit, wherein said plurality of predetermined tuned figures of merit is comprised of a tuned B-Field magnitude, tuned rising slew rate, tuned rise time, tuned falling slew rate, tuned fall time, tuned frequency, tuned wavelength, and tuned duty cycle; and exposing mammalian chondrocytes, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts, nucleus pulposus, associated tissue, or any combination to said at least one tuned time-varying stimulation field comprised of said at least one tuned predetermined profile for a predetermined tuned exposure time or plurality of tuned exposure time sequences.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Goodwin, Thomas J.
Shackelford, Linda C.
Date Acquired
March 20, 2015
Publication Date
August 5, 2014
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Physics (General)
Report/Patent Number
Patent Number: US-Patent-8,795,147
Patent Application Number: US-Patent-Appl-SN-12/899,815
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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