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Mechanisms of Saturn's Near‐Noon Transient Aurora: In Situ Evidence From Cassini Measurements
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Z. H. Yao
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
A. Radioti
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
I. J. Rae
(UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory Dorking UK)
J. Liu
(Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California Los Angeles CA USA)
D. Grodent
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
L. C. Ray
(Department of Physics Lancaster University Lancaster UK)
S. V. Badman
(Department of Physics Lancaster University Lancaster UK)
A. J. Coates
(UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory Dorking UK)
J.‐C. Gérard
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
J. H. Waite
(Southwest Research Institute San Antonio TX USA)
J. N. Yates
(Operations Department European Space Astronomy Centre (ESA/ESAC) Madrid Spain)
Q. Q. Shi
(Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy and Solar‐Terrestrial Environment, School of Space Science and Physics Shandong University Weihai China)
Y. Wei
(Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China)
B. Bonfond
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
M. K. Dougherty
(Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics Imperial College London UK)
E. Roussos
(Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research Göttingen Germany)
N. Sergis
(Office for Space Research and Technology Academy of Athens Athens Greece)
B. Palmaerts
(Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, STAR Institute Université de Liège Liège Belgium)
Date Acquired
September 28, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: Geophysical Research Letters
Publisher: American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Volume: 44
Issue: 22
ISSN: 0094-8276
e-ISSN: 1944-8007
Funding Number(s)
funding: 41525016
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