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Col-OSSOS: Probing Ice Line/Color Transitions within the Kuiper Belt’s Progenitor Populations
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Version of Record
Laura E. Buchanan
Megan E. Schwamb
Wesley C. Fraser
Michele T. Bannister
Michaël Marsset
Rosemary E. Pike
David Nesvorný
J. J. Kavelaars
Susan D. Benecchi
Matthew J. Lehner
Shiang-Yu Wang
Nuno Peixinho
Kathryn Volk
Mike Alexandersen
Ying-Tung Chen
Brett Gladman
Stephen Gwyn
Jean-Marc Petit
Date Acquired
October 19, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: The Planetary Science Journal
Publisher: American Astronomical Society
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Issue Publication Date: January 1, 2022
e-ISSN: 2632-3338
Funding Number(s)
funding: ST/T506369/1
funding: NNX15AH59G
funding: 80NSSC19K0785
funding: AST-1824869
funding: EP/T022175
funding: ST/V000691/1
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