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Use of Thermophysical Properties to Select and Control Convection During Rapid Solidification of Steel Alloys Using Electromagnetic Levitation on the Space Station
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Document Type
Accepted Manuscript
Douglas M. Matson
Xiao Xiao
Justin E. Rodriguez
Jonghyun Lee
Robert W. Hyers
Olga Shuleshova
Ivan Kaban
Stephan Schneider
Christian Karrasch
Stefan Burggraff
Rainer Wunderlich
Hans-Jörg Fecht
Date Acquired
October 19, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: JOM
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Volume: 69
Issue: 8
Issue Publication Date: August 1, 2017
ISSN: 1047-4838
e-ISSN: 1543-1851
Funding Number(s)
funding: nnx16ab59g
funding: 50WM1170
funding: 4200014306
Distribution Limits

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