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Testing and Improving Temperature Thresholds for Snow and Rain Prediction in the Western United States
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Seshadri Rajagopal
(Division of Hydrologic Sciences Desert Research Institute 2215 Raggio Parkway Reno Nevada 89512)
Adrian A. Harpold
(Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science University of Nevada Reno Nevada 89503)
Date Acquired
September 28, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Publisher: Wiley
Volume: 52
Issue: 5
Issue Publication Date: October 1, 2016
ISSN: 1093-474X
e-ISSN: 1752-1688
Funding Number(s)
funding: NNX14AN24A
funding: 1360506/1360507
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