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Growth mechanisms of multiscale, mound-like surface structures on titanium by femtosecond laser processing
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Document Type
Accepted Manuscript
Edwin Peng
(Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Ryan Bell
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Craig A. Zuhlke
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Meiyu Wang
(Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Dennis R. Alexander
(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
George Gogos
(Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Jeffrey E. Shield
(Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA)
Date Acquired
September 2, 2024
Publication Date
April 10, 2017
Publication Information
Publication: Journal of Applied Physics
Publisher: AIP Publishing
Volume: 122
Issue: 13
Issue Publication Date: July 10, 2017
ISSN: 0021-8979
e-ISSN: 1089-7550
Funding Number(s)
funding: NNX13AB17A
funding: FA4600-12-D-9000-0045
funding: FA4600-12-D-9000-0057
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