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Buckling of A Sphere of Extremely High Radius-Thickness RatioProposed passive communications satellites are ultrathin-walled spherical shells which may experience buckling from external pressure due to solar radiation or atmospheric drag. Large buckling deformations of such a satellite are undesirable because they seriously reduce the satellite’s performance as a reflector. At present, shell buckling technology is lacking in several respects with regard to design of spherical shells subjected to external pressure. Large discrepancies exist between theoretical and experimental buckling pressure; therefore, the designer must be guided primarily by experimental data. However, very little experimental data on complete spheres are available; the primary research effort has been concerned with shallow spherical caps. All available experimental data are for radius-thickness ratios several orders of magnitude smaller than that for the proposed satellites. In order to provide a basis for estimating the buckling strength of these satellites, therefore, buckling experiments were conducted on a complete spherical shell having a radius-thickness ratio of about 85,000. This value is much higher than that of any spherical cap or complete sphere used in previously reported experiments.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Harvy G. McComb, Jr.
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Wilbur B. Fichter
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Date Acquired
August 1, 2013
Publication Date
October 24, 1962
Publication Information
Publication: Collected Papers on Stability of Shell Structures - 1962
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Subject Category
Thermodynamics And Combustion
Meeting Information
Meeting: NASA Symposium on Instability of Shell Structures
Location: Hampton, VA
Country: US
Start Date: October 24, 1962
End Date: October 25, 1962
Sponsors: Langley Research Center
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Document Inquiry

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