Space Flight Handbooks. Volume 3 - Planetary Flight Handbook: Speed Contours & Auxiliary Graphs for Manned Missions to Mars and Venus - Part 1This Handbook contains a series of maps, graphs, and tables which will be of use to the preliminary design analyst in scheduling round-trip interplanetary missions to Mars and Venus in the time period 1965-1999. It constitutes the third in a series of space flight manuals prepared for the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA. The present Handbook, denoted as Volume 3 of this series, is divided into three Parts. Part 3-1 presents maps for obtaining departure and arrival speeds for trips to these planets, a listing of useful constants, planetary ephemerides, tables of important occurrences, and a number of auxiliary graphs. Although most of the basic calculations were performed for the period 1965 -1980, much of the information is also applicable to the years 1980- 1999, as is explained in the text.
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Special Publication (SP)
Ross, Stanley (Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Palo Alto, CA, United States)